So many questions are asked by players in the MoH lobbies on Gamespy everyday, that we decided a FAQ page would come in handy.
For those that don't know what FAQ stands for: Frequently Asked Questions.
We tried to gather many problems and the solutions to them on our FAQ page for easy access.
Instead of repeating the same answer to the questions in Gamespy chat over and over, simply pointing them to the FAQ page allows them to find the answer easily.
We hope it helps! |
FAQ Index:
Map names
Server full messages
Creating a Server
Enabling Console
Reconnecting to a server quickly
Joining password protected games
Other things to do with Console |
What is RCON
RCON commands
Where do i rent dedicated servers
Configuring dedicated servers
Voice chat
Explaination of Gametypes
Using maps, skins and mods
Ping and Lag explaination
Where can i get 2.11 patch?
What are all the maps called?
Deathmatch and Teamdeathmatch:
dm/mohdm1 = Southern France
dm/mohdm2 = Destroyed Village
dm/mohdm3 = Ramagen
dm/mohdm4 = Crossroads
dm/mohdm5 = Snowy Park
dm/mohdm6 = Stalingrad
dm/mohdm7 = Algiers
mp_bahnhoff_dm = Bahnhoff
mp_brest_dm = Brest
mp_holland_dm = Holland
mp_malta_dm = Malta
mp_bazaar_dm = Bazaar
mp_gewitter_dm = Gewitter
mp_stadt_dm = Stadt
mp_unterseite_dm = Unterseite
mp_verschneit_dm = Verschneit
Objective and Tug of War:
objteam1 = The Hunt
objteam2 = V2 Rocket facility
objteam3 = Omaha Beach
objteam4 = Bridge
mp_ardennes_tow = Ardennes
mp_berlin_tow = Berlin
mp_druckkammern_tow = Druckkammern
mp_flughafen_tow = Flughafen
Why does MoH tell me a server is full, while Gamespy shows there are plenty of open slots?
There are multiple answers to this question:
It could be that dedicated servers have a number private, password protected slots.
Another possibility is that the server is completly protected by a password.
A more common problem is caused by a bug in Spearhead.
Sometimes, reconnecting to a server solves the problem, but often you get the same message.
There's no real sollution yet, but lets hope EA brings out a patch that solves this problem soon.
How do i make a server that people using Gamespy can join?
Simply start the game, in the main menu go to Multiplayer, then choose Start Game.
In the next screen Select the Gametype and then adjust the settings as you see fit.
For the server to show up in Gamespy, check the USE GAMESPY checkbox.
How do i enable Console?
To enable Console, go to Options in the game's main menu, from there go to Advanced Options and check the Console checkbox.
Is there a way to reconnect quickly to a game in case of timeout or server disconnect?
Yes, in fact there is!.
When the server times out, disconnect or says it's full you can quickly reconnect by dropping the console by hitting the Tilde key (~) and typing:
After you hit the Enter key the game will (try to) reconnect you.
How do i join a password protected server if i know the password?
First you need to have your console enabled.
To enable it, see one of the questions above.
Now join the server, when it tells you it's full or it asks for a password, hit the Tilde key (~) and type:
password ****
Where **** is the password and hit Enter.
Then type:
And again hit the Enter key, the game will now connect to the server.
What else can i do with Console?
Short discription: Too much to list here!
For a complete list of possible commands, drop console in the game using the Tilde key (~) and type:
For a list of Command Variables used by the game, you can type:
We will however take a look at the most common commands:
If you want to know what your FPS are, just type in console:
fps 1
Now the FPS and some more info appears next to the health bar on the bottom of the screen.
To disable the FPS counter, simply type:
fps 0
Running a map:
To quickly run a map type the following in console:
map mapname
Replace mapname with the name and location of the map.
A singleplayer map can be ran without a location (i.e. map m1l1 runs mission 1 level 1).
Multiplayer maps on the other hand are in a location depending on gametype:
Deathmatch and Team deathmatch maps: dm (i.e. map dm/mohdm5)
Roundbased maps are the same as DM and TDM maps.
Objective maps: obj (i.e. map obj/objteam3)
Tug of War maps run the same as OBJ maps.
You can find the map names in another Question above.
Quickly restarting a map:
To quickly restart a map simply type:
After hitting Enter the map will restart.
What is RCON?
RCON stands for Remote Console.
It's used to control dedicated servers (like those hosted by hosting companies such as ILAN ) with various commands.
Remote means your controlling the server hosted by them, using your console.
What are those RCON commands?
There are a lot of RCON commands and although we want to help, we're to lazy to list them all :p.
But for a complete guide to RCON, click here.
Basicly a lot of the normal console commands can be used as RCON commands when they're typed like:
rcon command
Where command is the command you want to use.
Where can i rent dedicated servers for MoH:AA and/or Spearhead?
There are a numer of companies renting servers, one of them is ILAN.
How do i configure my dedicated server?
Click here for a guide on this issue.
How can i talk to other players using a microphone?
There are several programs around allowing this.
One of them is Roger Wilco, click to go to the website.
Another one is Team Speak, click to go to the website.
What do you do in all gametypes?
Deathmatch: Shoot at everything that moves and kill as many enemies as possible.
Team Deathmatch: Team vs Team, kill as many of the enemy team as possible.
Objective: One team has to blow up a target, wich the other team defends.
Tug of War: Each team has a number of opposite objectives wich has to be met to win.
Round-Based: Round-based can be ANY gametype. The only diffirence is that you stay death untill the round is over (no respawn).
How do i install and use custom maps, skins or mods?
Installing a map, skin or mod is easy, drop the pk3 file into your mohaa\main directory.
This applies to both MoH:AA and Spearhead, since Spearhead reads and understand the same files.
Although, not all MoH:AA maps or mods will work for Spearhead.
The custom maps show up in the map list and when joining a server that runs them, you'll be able to play it.
Custom skins can be selected through Multiplayer Options in the Multiplayer menu.
What's Ping?
Ping is the time it takes to send / recieve data-packages to / from a server.
It's measured in ms (milliseconds).
The lower the Ping, the faster your connection to the server will be.
A high Ping causes delay in data-transfer, referred to as Lag.
A lot of diffirent things can cause lag, such as distance to server, number of players playing in it, connection speed of those players (including your own).
I often see people asking for their ping in the chatroom, wich is pretty pointless because of the above factor.
Since everyone live diffirent distances from you and have various connection types, everyone will report a diffirent ping to you.
Server Ping is all that matters.
Lag can cause problems such as a choppy gameplay, hits that don't register, players warping etc.
There is no real solution to these problems, a magical way to decrease Pings is non-existant.
To avoid lag, simply join servers with the lowest possible ping.